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Mobile technologies today are the multifunctional and indispensable tool for millions of people, and every day they tap into more and more spheres of activity. A growing number of consumers are using their mobile phones as the main and sometimes the only unit for the majority of their personal and business communications.

All in all, the real estate industry is perhaps one of the most technically advanced when it comes to using new technologies and new forms of media in the marketing, advertising and selling the product. This gives industry professionals many utensils to help their business in the tracking and management of their existing customer base.

Having a mobile app for real estate agents will help improve customer engagement from the many app functionalities available mobile app such as push notifications and the ease of promoting all of your properties inspection times and auction times to your clients. Promoting inspection times or auction times for your properties to your customers for sale or rent will vastly improve engagement with your customers with ease as it will display on their mobile phone all the details about the property including property images in mobile format.

You can reach out to your customers at the touch of a button. Real estate agents now have another medium by having a mobile app by promoting their properties inspection times and auction times. Do you find that many of your customers forget to turn up to a property inspection time or auction because they forgot or were not reminded? Having a mobile app can easily remind your customers of inspection times or auction times by sending out a push notifications in seconds reminding them.

Having a mobile app can greatly improve customer service and communications for your real estate business. Your phone number, address and email will be right at the fingertips of interested clients, and they’ll be able to reach you at the touch of a button. Realtors need to be easily accessible, and with a mobile app, you’re always right there.

These days, as the real estate industry is such a competitive market, there is no better way than promoting your properties for sale and rent via a mobile app. You can display all your properties in your customer’s pockets, readily accessible to them 24/7.

Mobile apps also have a wide variety of handy tools and easy to use features that your clients will find beneficial. These include loan calculators, which can help you calculate mortgage payment costs no matter where you are, and so clients can review this information privately without scheduling a meeting.

Having a mobile app with all these cool features as marketing tool will really help you retain your existing clients and attract new ones.

If you’re in real estate and thinking to get a mobile app to have a distinct advantage over other real estate firms, please contact us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.